Hydropower is currently the world's largest renewable source of electricity, accounting for 6% of worldwide energy supply or about 15% of the world's electricity. The main objective of the study is to know the maximum hydropower energy which can be generated from the given daily flow
In present research work the point rainfall data of study area (KADMANE Catchment) was available and rainfall runoff data of nearby site. Using this data estimated the average rainfall and runoff for the study area. Now this runoff data is used to determine the 90% dependable year with the help of rank analysis method. After determining the 90% dependable year drawn a flow duration curve for getting the daily energy potential these gives us the annual energy production capacity of hydropower plant at different capacity. Then using the optimization technique obtained the optimal installed capacity of hydropower plant determined and it is 14.46 MW(from marginal curve), 7.95 MW(from benefit cost curve)
From the analysis it is concluded that the project is financially viable.