dc.description.abstract |
A. cavity Is a body if inaiclial which has a lower density thin 1l-ml iff Ilic murrOundill8 material. A faivily rnHy be air tilled (i.e. a void) it rmiy IIL: finial wil.11 'Water, alluvium, collapsc material or H mixture ot' all or ihe mhiivi.:. Tlic exiAcnce of tnis cavity alters the phrlicm1 mimic iii' iliu :inau, and luxillix hi 31, cuntrast between the cavity anc.I the INIK1 Kir/4E11111. Niaill all y OCCUITing Subsurface cavities posed a dilemma for civil cnginocri. ftinInuirliLuu cavities were a problem at dams and Naicrvoirc, NH1,101112. in muvuoz kultakoz., water loss, and potnii:41 xiniciiimi collupliz. Microwave imaging of buried oblect5 is widely nmul in i7:11rminv, xppliusaLitnU tbr geophysical exploration, Mg.liiii.1:41 ITTINLirIL, L:ivil cnuinouring untl non-destructive testing, in collapsed INiiltline or rivninni:Inz viul.inifq. Since very limited work has bcon omrriv.il r:Ini In LIL:IL:L:1, Ulu !away using Microwave technique for rcrnolt: xcrixing. Nn iliThri linx bum 1111.41.11Z IA f weal:- and detect the suborface air filicd cavil), in inuNunce of other obiccts like metal. For this purpop3 :4 monclailmlii: xcul.l.cromill.el ig assembled, which can work HI .16,7 :Arid C-bmnii wiiii iik.: pol)n.i..e.miicil (i... H H and VV). 'Inc back scatiorcd !:tiv.rml power ix measurc-d and processed by suitably modifying lin.! 11.10inhincs iolud hi iinae processing. The icchniques arc 117ii...i1 ill :41.:1 H 1,1nuxlmlil by which the returned signals are classified inlo clul.uulgil Oblec.LN. 1-Inctiiii4ing results have been obtained which L:n Iona: Owl in mall. Future with more detailed work, this techniipic mazy iic :.1 piiicni.ial Lool li..?i, nuborrace cavity detection |
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