Among various types of network architectures, the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) and the wireless sensor network (WSN) are two of the most attractive wireless networks. One critical issue for almost all kinds of wireless devices supported by battery power is power saving (PS). Without power, any wireless device will become useless. Battery power is a limited resource. Hence, how to lengthen the lifetime of batteries is an important issue, especially for NIANETs and WSNs, which are supported by batteries only. The PS protocols design for MANETs can also be applied to irregular WSNs.
For irregular wireless networks, several novel power saving protocols for multi-hop MANETs are proposed. But they ignore the problems with current hardware. Such as per packet level power switching is not available and the available energy levels for transmission are discrete.
We have described the issues of conceptualizing the power control problem, and provided an architecturally simple solution. The solution simultaneously satisfies three objectives : maximizing the traffic carrying capacity of the entire network, extending battery life through providing low power routes, and reducing the contention at the MAC layer. In Current work makes partitions of network based on the network connectivity. These partitions run at common power which satisfies bidirectional Iinks and reduces route