dc.description.abstract |
The topic ,`Analysis_ of Hydrometeorological Data', is very wide topic, covers lot of concepts, theories, limits of applicability and approaches. General introduction of traditional and modern data collection methods and 'equipments, merits and demerits, pre-processing, processing," storages- and `=retrieval '' t•c. are outl'i'ned° in the' thesis. As the data for' the preseiit-study was obtained "from b"tie - of the 'Many 'sensors - of: -Automated •Hydro,l-og:ic S.tation (AHS);, installed, -at,.-National- Institute. of Hydrology, Roorkee, a brief introduction of the station and its associated sensors has been provided. Various steps of processing of AHS data have been described along with few sample sheets as output.
y,Aha -ySis of air temperature data has been attempted with statistical summaries, probabilistic modelling, tests of randomness and ARIMA modelling etc. An interactive software, has been developed in FORTRAN as part of the present assignment. This has been used of medelling short interval hourly air temperature data. For this purpose hourly data of temperature for the month of January (1990) was used.
The listing of the programme is provided in Annexure-I. Various tables containing data, analysis and modelling results and also the figures containing histogram, scatter plot, autocorrelogram, partial autocorrrelogram and spectral density are provided in Annexure-II. Similar exercises may be tried for other months or other hydrometeorological data sets with little modification in the software as per needs. |
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