Several water bearing strata separated by aquicludes
or aquitards may be encountered during subsurface explora-tion at a locality, If the aquifer can provide dependable
yield ,the aquifer may be tapped to meet the required
demand. Tapping lower aquifers need economic considerations.
In the present study a technooconomic factor Le.saving in
energy by simultaneous tapping of top two aquifers has been
studied. It is found from the study that for shallow
aquifer when depth to piezometric surface is upto 5 m the saving in energy is considerable. For T1/T2 = 1 and ~1/~2 = 1 the saving in energy is of the order of 12X and when T1/T2 = 5/2 the corresponding value is about 7/.. When piezometric depth exceeds 20 in, the saving in energy is negligible, Well storage has no significant influence in saving in energy..