dc.description.abstract |
Al]. life depends on water„ It is one of the most important basic resource available to the civilization. The progress of humanity implies a continuous increase in water consumption due to everlasting demand of water for agri-cultural, domesti c and industrial purposes. In the present age of eco:~omic growth coupled with population growth the intensi-fication of water resources exploitation may result in its progressive exhaustion and degradation., thus hindering economic and social development. Concern about the future of water resources has been expressed in an increasing number of articles and books in recent years. Hence a scientific direction of effort is needed for a planned and optimal utilization of water resources. The improvement of knowledge of the hydrolo-gical cycles and of the methods of evaluation of water resources,as well as a better assessment of these resources at the regional, national and global levels and of their fluctuations in space and time, are essential for the proper utilization of water resources for the benefit of mankind. |
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