dc.description.abstract |
The peak discharge to be adoptitd for the design of t draulic structures and time analysis of the sequences important in the planning of water Resources Projects. To arrive at the values of the peak disehargap a study of the *vsilabis data bø to be conducted and analysed # to arrive at a desired accuracy*
Zn this study, ' id on the available data situated at 1K3 the various methods for estimation ct peak flow iw ave been discussed bringing out their suitaa bi3ity and Umitationa. For this purpose frequency analysis has been carried out with probabiUt diet o bution functions. Fo'probabiUty distribution functional vis. Normal, lognornal at Gaziarn 2 and Gwnbe3. have been used to find out the beat tit dietributi,orz for 1K3 gauging station and the best fit arrived at. Determination of the flood values with x a return period of 100 y.$ras, has been computed using these fit distri' button iuncttons. |
en_US |