DSpace Repository

MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)


Recent Submissions

  • Sharma, Janardan (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    The purpose of this project is to Model of Wind Farms in the Load Flow Analysis. Two methods are proposed, for the simulation of wind farms with asynchronous generators in the load flow analysis. Both methods are based on ...
  • T, Santhiya (I I T ROORKEE, 2018-09)
    The color Doppler echocardiography is used to detect the blood flow patterns, direction, and velocity in case of any abnormality such as valvular regurgitation and stenosis. In present days, the clinicians analyse the ...
  • Singh, Ravi Kumar (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Power systems are operating in a more complicated and therefore encounter more challenges. If one part of a power grid becomes seriously out of synchronism with the rest, the whole network can become unstable and blackout ...
  • Singh, Sanjay (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    As we moving further there is increase in demand for sources but unfortunately sources decreasing at alarming rate. Techniques involved in renewable energy are now coming forward as time passes. This not just because ...
  • Singh, Bhavneet (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    The conditions of environment are degrading in many countries due to increase in greenhouse gases. The solution of such impacts is to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. The electrification of transport sector is the best ...
  • Agarwal, Sanchit (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    Satellites have been used from past several years to obtain a large variety of information about the earth’s surface like in military applications, estimating global weather patterns, tectonic activity, surface vegetation, ...
  • Bhargava, Akshay (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    The idea of microgrid is to integrate selected number of DGs with proper control strategy and loads and should have a PCC (point of common coupling) point for connection/disconnection with the grid. While connected to grid, ...
  • Sharma, Nitish (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles(PHEV)iand Electric Vehicles are rollediout for the consumer, and become popular in a short period of time.With the advent of Batteryichargers for PHEVs there is a big opportunity for the ...
  • Pandey, Pratyush (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Electrical Drives today have become an important part of the modern industry. The motor drives are used in very wide power range. In various applications where speed and position control is of great significance, the ...
  • Kumar, Ujjwal (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Global energy demand is increase rapidly. Major demand is met by fossil fuel. This increases the carbon foot print. So we move towards the renewable energy to reduce carbon foot print. With the increasing growth of ...
  • Gupta, Piyush Kumar (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    The demand of electricity is increasing day by day and conventional sources of electricity is very limited. Renewable energy is becoming very attractive source of electricity to meet the load and protect the environment. ...
  • Shitaw, Semahegn (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Many developing countries including my country Ethiopia are following rainfall based agricultural economic system. The product collected from agricultural crops is not satisfactory due to the variation of the rainy season ...
  • Sharma, Rajendra Prasad (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Power System cascading outages can result in major system loss and the other indirect losses. These outages are unpredictable in nature and hence their modeling is a fairly complicated task. The modeling of these outages ...
  • Shivastava, Prabhat (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    The work proposes a three-phase sequence detector which will be capable of extracting the three phase sequences of a balanced or unbalanced power system which can be the result of any faults in the phases and or ground, ...
  • Ghosh, Arijit (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Road Accidents have been occurring on a higher note in the 21st century. Most of them occur due to fact that people are not able to learn from their past mistakes. Road commuters know the traffic rules but it is the laxity ...
  • Krival, Bhim Singh (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Control of inverted pendulum is an extremely challenging task. The dynamics of pendulum are nonlinear and unstable. In this thesis, an attempt has been made to accomplish the control of an cart inverted pendulum system ...
  • Sharma, Aditya (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Proportional integral derivative (PID) controller forms an indispensable part in various industrial applications. In this thesis, the proposed control scheme is based on an alternative configuration of PID control structure ...
  • Anand, Mahathi (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Design and implementation of control systems in safety critical applications regularly involves formal verification to ensure specification satisfaction and correctness of implementation. The M.Tech dissertation work ...
  • Ranjan, Cristin (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    In this thesis the technology of hybrid microgrid in which PV solar cells in conjunction with energy storage devices seek to reduce dependence on conventional diesel generators to meet the shipboard electrical load ...
  • Mohanty, Prasanta Kumar (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-05)
    Alternative vehicles, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, are becoming more popular. The batteries of these plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are to be charged at home from a standard outlet or on a corporate car park. ...

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