The work embodied in this thesis is on the inter
action of transition metal ions with organic ligands
containing one or more salt forming groups e.g.
(I)-C00H(II)-NH(III)-0H(IV)-SH etc The chelates of
such ligands are of great importance from analytical,
medicinal and industrial point of view. The studies
aim at investigating the nature, structure and solubi
lity of the complexes. A part of the thesis is devoted
to their thermodynamical studies. The ligands used
are imides, aminoacids, amines and phenols. A major
portion of the thesis is devoted to the preparation of
mixed ligand complexes and their characterisation on
the basis of chemical analysis, I.R., electronic spectra,
Mossbauer spectroscopy, conductance and magnetic measure
ment. The thesis has been divided into three sections,
viz., A, B and C•
This section comprises of two chapters.
Chapter - I :
This chapter deals with the characterisation of
the complexes formed by the interaction of potassium
hexathiocyanatochromate(IIl) with iminodiacetic and
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acids. The complexes
K2[Cr(NCS)3(C4H504N)] and K3[Cr(NCS)4( C^H^Oj^) ] could
ii n
be prepared in the solid form and characterised on the
jasis of various physico-chemical studies. The values
of 10 Dq was found to be 17000 and 18000 cm for the
first and second complex respectively. The values of
B, p35 and L«F«S.E. have also been calculated from the
bands obtained in the electronic spectra of the complexes.
I.R. spectra of the complexes indicated the coordina
tion of thiocyanate through N and of iminodiacetic acid
through NH and carboxyl groups. While diethylenetriaminepentaacetic
acid is coordinated through carboxyl
groups and behave as a bidentate ligand.
Chapter - II :
This chapter describes the results on the studies
of mixed ligand complexes of Cr(IIl) with nitrilotriacetic
acid as primary and some phenols and phenolic acids
as secondary ligands. On the basis of conductance,
polarographic, I.R., electronic spectra and magnetic
studies, the complexes of the type K2[Cr(NTA)(P)2] and
K?[Cr(NTA)(A-A)] where NTA = nitrilotriacetate,
P = deprotonated phenol, 4-chlorophenol, 4-nitrophenol,
o-cresol, hydroquinone and a-naphthol and A-A = pyrogallol,
pyrocatechol, alizarin, salicylic acid, 4-aminosalicylic
acid and 4-sulphosalicylic acid were found
to have an octahedral structure. The coordinating
power of these phenolic compounds was in the order :
hydroquinone > 4-nitrophenol > phenols 4-aminosalicylic
acid > 4-chlorophenol4*pyrogallol*»pyrocatechol«* o-cresol
"^salicylic acid«ft<f4-sulphosalicylic acid > a-naphthol >
This section comprises of two chapters.
Chapter - I :
In this chapter are Incorporated the results of
Mossbauer studies on the mixed ligand complexes of
Fe(lII) phthalimide with some amino-acids (histidine,
anthranilic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, cysteine and
methionine). The complexes having the formulae
NH4[Fe( C8H402N)3( C^H^O^S) (H20) ] , K[Fe( CgH402N)2
(C5H?04N) (H20)2] , K[Fe( CgH402N)3( C3H602NS) (H20) ] ,
[Fe( C8H402N)2( C6H13N402) (H20)2] , [Fe( CgH^)^ C^N^)
(H20)2] and [Fe( CgH^^^C^OgN) (H20)23 could
bs prepared in the solid form. I.R. spectra of the
complexes indicated the coordination of phthalimide
through nitrogen and of amino-acid through amino and
carboxyl groups, while cysteine and methionine were
found to coordinate through sulphyhydril and carboxyl
groups. Two bands at around 810 and 640 cm" due to
wagging and rocking modes of coordinated water were
observed in the spectra of all the complexes.
The values of magnetic moments lies in between
5.50 - 6.00 B.M. The electronic spectra of all the
complexes in butanol gave three bands at 29500, 34000
and 39000 cm""1 corresponding to the transitions
6AAlg—>>4TTlg(P)> 6AAlg~->>4TTlg^F) and 6AAlg >4TT2g<F) reS~
pectively. The values of isomer shift around 0.38 mm
sec"" indicated a greater electron density at the nucleus-
The values of quadrupole splitting in the range 0.47 -
0.68 mm seo indicated the presence of different types
of ligands inside the coordination sphere.
Chapter -. II :
This chapter deals with the preparation and
characterisation of mixed ligand complexes of platinum(Il)
palladium(ll), platinum(IV), iridium(IIl) and rhodium(IIl)
with phthalimide as primary and dipyridyl and o-phenanthroline
as secondary ligands. Complexes of the type
[M(H)Ph2A], [M(lV)Ph4A] and [M(IIl)Ph3(H20)A] where
Ph = phthalimide (deprotonated) and A = dipyridyl or
o~phenanthroline, could be isolated in solid form and
characterised. Pt(Il) and Pd(ll) complexes were of
square planar structure. The values of a^, zv> and a^
have been calculated for these complexes. The absorp™
tion spectra of diamagnetic octahedrally coordinated d
metal ions i.e. Pt(IV), Ir(IIl) and Rh(lII), gave three
d-d transitions. Two of these are spin-allowed bands
involving 1. .1™ and 1. JU transition and .
Alg—> rlg Alg * i2g
the third spin-prohibited band is 1 - 3_ . The
Alg~~* lg
values of ligand field stabilisation energy and Racah
parameters B and C and nephelauxetic ratio p have also
been calculated. The values of ligand field splitting
energy and hence the stability of the complexes
decrease in the order : Pt(IV) > Ir(IIl) > Rh(lll).
I.R. spectra of the complexes indicated the coordina
tion of phthalimide through nitrogen and the presence
of dipyridyl and o-phenanthroline inside the coordina
tion sphere. In the case of Rh(IIl) and Ir(lll) com
plexes, the coordinated water molecule gave the bands
at 650 and 860 cm"1.
This section also comprises of two chapters.
Chapter - I :
This chapter has been devoted to the thermodynamical
studies of cysteinate complexes of rhodium(IIl)
and osmium(VIIl) • The thermodynamical stability cons
tants of the metal complexes have been determined by
Bjerrum' -Calvin titration technique as adopted by
Irving and Rossotti. The values of aF, aH and aS
were calculated from the temperature coefficient of
the equilibrium constants. A comparative study of the
complexes of these metal ions with 2-mercaptopropanoic
acid and cc-alanine have also been carried out. Analysis
of thermodynamical data indicated the coordination of
cysteine through sulphydril and carboxyl groups. The
complexes of cysteine could also be isolated in the
.solid form and their I.R. studies also confirmed the
coordination through sulphydril and carboxyl groups.
The electronic spectrum of Rh(IIl) complex gave
:wo spin-allowed bands at 19100 and 25500 cm" and a
spin-forbidden band, at 14410 cm"1. The values of 10 Dq9
B, p, Cand L.F.S.E., (K cals.mole"1) were found to be
21445, 400, 0.55, 2345 and 24.50 respectively. Osmium
(VIII) complex also gave three bands at 26000, 28850 and
36000 cm"1 which seems, to have arisen due to charge
Chapter - II :
This chapter has been devoted to the analytical
use of cysteine in the spectrophotometry determination
of osmium(VIIl). The yellowish brown complex exhibits
a maximum absorbance at 370 nm in the pH range 4.0-5.2.
Beer's law is obeyed from 1.0-60.0 ppm, the opt. range for
accurate determinations being from 5.0-55.0 ppm. The
Sandell' s sensitivity of the reaction is 0.132 p.g/cm
and the molar absorptivity of the complex is 1429 K
mole"1 cm"1. The apparent stability constant of 1:1
complex was found to be 1.2589 x 109 at 25 + 1°C A
large number of ions do not interfere in the determina
tion of Os(VIII) by this method.