MASTERS' THESES (Earthquake Engg): Recent submissions

  • Kumar, Shailendra (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    The surface waves have more damage potential to both the surface and sub-surface long-span structures as compared to body waves since they can generate large strain in long-span structures in addition to the load reversal. ...
  • Mishra, Pradeep (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    Past earthquakes including the Bhuj (2001) in which many concrete structures have been severely damaged or collapsed, have indicated the need for evaluating the seismic adequacy of existing buildings. In particular, the ...
  • Vyas, Harshit (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    Past studies have revealed that safe handling of earthquake by building structures requires reasonable amount of energy dissipation. The conventional practice is to adopt masonry infills and bracing system as lateral load ...
  • Puri, Sateesh Kumar (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    To perform well in earthquake, a building should possess four main attributes, namely simple and regular configuration, and adequate lateral strength, stiffness and ductility. With the increase in demand of high rise ...
  • Srivastava, Aman (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    Bridges have always been one of the most vulnerable structures during a seismic event. Design philosophy of bridges being completely different from that of buildings, these are faced with completely different challenges. ...
  • Singh, Himanshu (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-06)
    Using high quality three-component digital data recorded on 12-stations, site amplifications have been estimated from spectral ratios of horizontal to vertical (H/V) recordings and S wave spectral ratio method. This study ...
  • Singh, Tirath (I I T ROORKEE, 2020-02)
    The Garhwal Himalaya Region is one of the seismically active region of the Himalaya. This is characterized by the occurrence of moderate to large sized earthquake activity in this belt. The local earthquake data collected ...
  • Arvindkumar, Vachhani Pratikkumar (I I T ROORKEE, 2013-06)
    In the present scenario most of railway lines go for long welded rail or continuous welded rail for higher level of comfort riding, safety and reduced track maintenances and also reduced total life cycle cost. LWRICWR ...
  • Tiwari, Vishvendra (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Surface topography consists of series of hills and valleys in the Himalayan region. These topographical features modify the seismic response of ground and play a crucial role in the design of life-line structures like dams, ...
  • Taneja, Aarti (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Earthquake Early Warning System (EEW) is a standout amongst the most helpful instruments to effectively reduce seismic risk. EEW approaches have just been created around the world. The issues of improving the accuracy and ...
  • Agarwal, Akanksha (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The use of deterministic seismic approach is not so prevalent nowadays .in recent years we consider the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. It takes into account the uncertainties regarding time, space and magnitude. ...
  • Khan, Ali Ahmad (IIT ROORKEE, 2017-05)
    Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) refers to earthquakes that are triggered or induced as a result of artificial filling of reservoirs. As of today over 100 cases of reservoir induced seismicity have been registered ...
  • Sharma, Aman (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Entire region of the Himalaya‟s arc is one of the most seismically active regions of the world. This is evident through the large number of earthquakes occurred in this belt.Earthquake data for the period from 1897-2015 ...
  • Asis, Bonthu S S V S (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Viscoelastic damping material is one of the basic type of damping materials came to knowledge in the midst of the nineteenth century. An extensive study has been done since then in studying the properties of the material ...
  • Budruke, Vishwajeet J (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    This report contains the estimation of the ground motion in terms of peak ground acceleration for the Kangra earthquake of 1905. The estimation of PGA is done by two methods for the same earthquake primarily by D.S.H.A. ...
  • Kumar, Suresh (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-06)
    his dissertation described study into earth retaining cantilever walls with relief shelves behaviour under seismic conditions, using numerical modelling technique. The effects of provision of relief shelves on lateral earth ...
  • Bhattacharjee, Devayan (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    Unreinforced masonry (URM) is one of the primogenital and most broadly used building material in the history of menfolk. There is a large number of URM buildings in the Indian subcontinent, most of which have not been ...
  • Virmani, Dheeraj (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    As any earthquake occurs, a large amount of energy is released due to tectonic movement but as it is not the same when distributed in far distance areas, only a fraction of that part reaches to the considered location. So ...
  • Kumar, Dhirendra (IIT ROORKEE, 2018-05)
    The seismic hazard assessment is concerned with the estimation of strong-motion parameters at a site for the purpose of seismic safety assessment. It involves estimation of the earthquake related phenomena such as ground ...
  • Petshali, Mukesh (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Liquefaction is serious threat both to life and property and need to be prepared for in advance. This makes liquefaction assessment compulsory. SPT has been in use traditionally but slow speed and inaccuracy are some of ...