An o * antal and anslyticd investigation has been carried! out to d.teresina the dynamic behaviour of a large span amble canttZavax reinforced cones bridge. A pusp+x adel Of the badge was pr.psrd for
the pulse of . e a and *nalytica3 investigation. The test pror*m on the model Include# static test$ With horizontal loads applied near the top of well to determine its s xff ss free and st*ay *t t# vibration tests on a s, e table in longitndx nat *ad transverse direcions for both base fixd and bottom sibadded to SOW
scour level conditions,
The dynanic analysis of the bridge has bean carrIed out by Raylei ' $ method. The sasses were ~tkd
along the, rill, pier cantilever ass for dye analysis to the longitudinal direction but In the
i s **e d a action anti . a*srstxuctur. was
at its centre of gravity.