MASTERS' THESES ( A&P): Recent submissions

  • Sharma, Ravi Shanker (1974)
    Canp'as development snd building dedgn cot r3 ses a very large proportion of wick of architects and pl ers. This has been. true In the past decades and can be attri-buted to the vast ten year increase in the volume. When ...
  • Pandey, B. N. (1973)
    In order to solve the acute housing problem, particularly in the remote areas of hilly regions, where it is difficult to get adequate skilled labour, conventional building materials and transport heavy building components. ...
  • Pathak, K. N. (1972)
    A notion often prevails among the arcbttecto that standardisation brings sterilisation in creative arts including architecture# This dissertation has been written with . an inquisitive mind to anaUse whether etandaz'dieation ...
  • Nehrulal (1972)
    The fast expansion of ce 7Yion during the lost twenty Vests could not allow the Architects and engineers to p!eep into iery channel of educational ,that+ college buildings are one of the victim of the foot ...
  • Yadav, Jitendra Kumar (2003)
    Every year nearly 85,000 persons are reportedly killed and more than 3,00,000 are injured on Indian roads. An accident takes place every 1.5 minutes and in every 6.2 minutes a person dies in road accidents. The National ...
  • Jetti, Yoganandu (2003)
    Development of transportation has greatly affected the development of the modern world and development of transport systems has produced both the economic and social benefits to the mankind; however it has polluted the ...
  • Mukherjee, Sreenita (2011)
    A library is a collection of information, thoughts and wisdom expressed in written or audio or video forms. It is a space to advance knowledge, foster creativity, encourage exchange of ideas and enhance quality of life. ...
  • Kamarudheen, Nabeel (2011)
    Debate over sustainability is no longer considering sustainability solely as an environmental concern, but as an economic and social issue too. Although, social dimension of sustainability is widely discussed, what exactly ...
  • Kumari, Rashmi (2011)
    Patna region, the state capital region of Bihar, characterized by good soil, adequate rainfall, favourable hydrological profile, water resources, and moderate climatic conditions, has high agricultural production potential. ...
  • Tripathy, Bibhu Prasad (2008)
    According to the UN estimates 60 % of the world's population would be living in urban settlements by the year 2030 and according to the 2001 census report India has 35 million plus cities across the country. These urban ...
  • Raghunath, S. (2011)
    It is a well known fact that lighting plays a very important role in the performance of any task in a space. Source of light can either be artificial or the sun. School buildings are a type of construction in which the ...
  • Chopra, Divyanshi (2011)
    The construction sector is a major consumer of energy hence; produce a lot of carbon release in the environment. This released carbon has two classifications. One is the embodied energy and second is operating energy. To ...
  • Guha, Debapriya (2011)
    Integrated development plan at micro level planning takes in to account the essential needs of the local people, and arrive at policies for judicious use of the locally available resources. A successful micro level plan ...
  • Sujata, Bhurke Prajakta Suryakant (2011)
    Cities are engines of the economy of the country. Cities are organic. They grow in terms of population, infrastructure, their physical size and economy. It is the people, who work and live in city are responsible for the ...
  • Venkatraman, Aruna (2011)
    Walking is one of the most simplest and basic modes of transport in a city. Almost every individual walks at some point of time in his or her journey. Walking has numerous health benefits, environmental benefits, economic ...
  • O. V., Dattatreya (2011)
    The process of architectural design is ever changing and has gone through a lot of changes since the time of architects like F.L.Wright and Le Courbusier. The considerations that one used to keep in mind for designing a ...
  • Udayan (2011)
    The Scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership aims at operationalising the strategy envisaged in the National Urban Housing & Habitat Policy (NUHHP) 2007, of promoting various types of public-private partnerships - of ...
  • Jindal, Saurabh (2011)
    Delhi as the National Capital has a distinct and unique character. It is a growing and expanding magnet of attraction for people from all across the country and also a hub for the region surrounding it. The present National ...
  • Sasidharan, Nikhil (2011)
    Due to the Sustainable features and the many other benefits, Adaptive Reuse is gaining significance around the World these days. Adopting Adaptive Reuse helps Preserve the heritage and character of the original building, ...