Today quality is seen as an approach to improve the effectiveness and flexibility of an organization as a whole. Teamwork,, participation and
communication are
key words in
the process
quality. Today
neck to
competition among
Govt. policy
for globalization
industries to think how to stand in national and inter national market via. Providing the best qualitative product at the lowest possible cost. So many_ industries in India try to achieve ISO:9000 certificate and launch TOM program. Every company's pursuit of quality improvement must begin with the basics, namely the 5S's. The name stands for fine Japanese words: SEIRI (Sorting), SEITON (Systematize), SEISON (Sweeping), SEIKETSU (Standardization), SHITSUKE (Self-discipline) i.e organisze the work place, keeping it neat and clean, and maintaining the standardized conditions and dicipline needed to do the excellent job.
A textile unit was selected to apply these concepts. The existing processes were studied by keeping in mind the 5S's concept. The photographs were taken to analyze each and every section. This helped in designing the 5S's audit form. Based on audit report the improvements in needed sections were carried out.
Application of the 5S's concept resulted into less down time, more convenient work practices, participative culture which ultimately lead to higher productivity with almost zero waste. The concept can be conveniently applicable to different areas like hotels, hospitals, educational institutes etc.