Morphotectonics combines topography and tectonic activity to explain landforms
and allows studying the direct effect of earth movements on landform evolution. A
valuable means in evaluating the morphotectonics of a region is to characterize the
assemblage of landforms present. Concerned landforms are those produced by tectonic
processes, such as faulting, folding, tilting, uplift, or subsidence. The earth's land surface
exists in a sensitive balance between tectonic and erosional forces. Wherever the tectonic
uplift and deformation are absent, erosional processes often predominate. After a
sufficiently long period of time, the result is a subdued landscape with low elevation and
modest relief. If uplift and deformation predominate over erosion then there is increase in
elevation and relief. This competition between the tectonic processes liable to built up the
topography and surface processes shredding them is easily manifested by the
morphometric indices.
A small part of the earth's surface falling in northeastern India and partly in
Bangladesh represents unique rock deformations in the form of westerly convexing northsouth
oriented alternating anticlines and synclines. This fold belt is the outcome of E-W
oriented compressional tectonic forces that prevailed in the region during the eastward
subduction of the Indian plate beneath the Burmese plate and still experiencing tectonic
events. Owing to such process the westerly laying sedimentary wedge got deformed into
such folded features and now represents fold-and-thrust belt. Intensity of folding gradually
increases eastward in the Tertiary sedimentary sequence (sandstones and shales).
These folds are also affected by several longitudinal and transverse faulting. Considering
the tectonic significance of the region morphotectonic study of frontal part of Indo-Burman
fold belt, northeast India encompassing Surma Basin has been attempted employing
geoinformatics comprising mainly integrated approach of Remote Sensing-GIS and digital
elevation modeling to bring out for the first time the pertaining morphotectonic
The objective of the present research work is to derive morphotectonic parameters
by fold geometry analysis towards understanding the complexity of fold pattern and
associated faulting and thrusting, detection of drainage anomalies, change detection
analysis and estimation of several morphometric indices.
Remote sensing and GIS techniques provide information of landforms and surface
geological structures convincingly and efficiently. Satellite images acquired by Indian
Remote Sensing Satellite (e.g. LISS-III, PAN) and Landsat-MSS, TM, ETM+, PAN
provided very important information with regard to the several deformational features
present in the study area. Digital elevation models (DEMs) proven to be a significant
platform in morphological and tectonics studies. DEMs can also be used for identification
of tectonic features such as faults, folds easily besides satellite images. All the processing
steps were carried out using ArcGIS-9.3 and ERDAS-lmagine-9.3 software packages.
Since DEMs were used intensively, DEMs of the Bhuban anticlinal hills of the study
area have been generated from topographic maps (named Contour-DEM) with contour
interval of 20m and Cartosat-1 stereo orthokit images (named Cartosat-DEM) forming an
important component of the thesis. As DEM accuracy and quality are two major
requirements for their applicability therefore, these generated DEMs have been analyzed
for accuracy and compared with the available SRTM-DEM and ASTER-DEMs. Both
vertical and horizontal accuracies have been calculated, along with topographic and
drainage derivatives. A detailed comparative analysis has been carried out for all the
DEMs. Cartosat-DEM emerged as the most reliable DEM and show least horizontal and
vertical discrepancies. Cartosat-DEM also shows greater details about the topographic
and drainage parameters. Based on overall analysis it could be assessed that for regional
studies low resolution SRTM-DEM can be used but for the drainage analysis and
hydrological studies high resolution Cartosat-DEM is more preferable.
Satellite images and DEMs are capable of displaying prominently the geometry
and morphology of the folds especially when these have large spatial extent. Frontal part
of the Indo-Burman fold belt falling in parts of Bangladesh and Northeast India have
developed into exemplary linear N-S oriented doubly plunging folds in Late-Tertiary
sedimentary rock sequences and are arranged in a set of alternating ridge forming
anticlines and valley forming synclines. Fold types present in the area although appear to
be simple but the existing fold geometrical arrangement reveal some interesting features.
Digital processing of satellite images and DEMs enhancement were performed to
understand better the geometry and morphology of the folds covering considerably large
area. Morphotectonic information gathered in this study are: identification of multi-folds
within the visibly single entity; fold overlapping nature and interrelation between the
anticlines; geometry of fold noses; fault affected fold limbs causing bulging; anticline
bifurcation and formation of elliptical and cuspate synclines, effect of deformation and
faulting etc. Derived morphometric parameters are: drainage basin symmetry, basin
elongation ratio, river sinuosity, stream length gradient index (SL-lndex), slope gradient
index (S-lndex) and hypsometric integral (lhyP).
It has been observed that the Bhuban anticlinal hills represent highly deformed and
deviated topography from a normal anticline. This N-S trending curved ridge displays very
steep scarp on the western side and gentle slope on the east and is affected by several
transverse and longitudinal faults. This anticlinal hill has been identified as typical
example of fault propagation folding. Different morphotectonic units (six in number) have
been identified which are marked by the transverse faults. The northern segment
comprising three morphotectonic units (MU1 to MU3) is unique in the sense that this part
exhibits effect of both the longitudinal and transverse faulting, uplifted narrow ridge with
downthrown eastern side (MU2). Fourth morphotectonic unit MU4 shows normal anticlinal
topography with the upliftment. The fifth morphotectonic unit (MU5) is subsided part and
bounded by transverse faults TF3 and TF4, whereas, the sixth unit (MU6) exhibit bulging
effect as this part experienced differential fault movements. Stream profiles, longitudinal
and transverse topographic profiles extracted from various DEMs also seems to support
the topographic variations and deformation of the Bhuban Hills.
Rivers are sensitive to intensity of tectonic deformation, adjusting over different
periods of time depending on the physical properties of the host rocks, climatic effects
and tectonic activity. Thus, the drainage system of a region records the evolution of
tectonic deformation. Barak is the major river of the study area and is highly meandering
and changed its course with time at various places along with anomalous behavior at
some places. Change detection analysis of Barak, Kushiara river and Surma rivers have
been carried out using satellite images and topographic maps of different years spanning
from 1955 to 2000. Major tributaries of Barak river have also been investigated for their
responses to active tectonics. It has been observed that majority of them are active rivers
and shows various meandering loops and also crossing various faulted anticlines through
the wind gaps.
The western most part of Tripura (India) region adjoining to Bangladesh has been
investigated in the light of its geomorphological characteristics. Quantitative parameters
such as stream sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio have been
computed. Main rivers of this part, namely the Gomti and Khowai follows extremely
meandering path and crosses through the transversely faulted anticlinal ridges. Fluvial
anomalies viz. shift in stream channel and the abandoned meandering loops have been
inferred and mapped. Development of drainage system towards north and south from the
drainage divide along the latitude 23°45'N indicated up arching of the region which is also
corroborated by the extracted topographic profiles. Derived morphometric parameters of
Agartala slope and adjoining synclines remained useful to understand the nature of
topographical modification attributed to the possible tectonic activity.
A detailed morphometric study of the Lengpui region has also been carried out to
understand the morphotectonics. This area lies near Aizwal in the central part of the Indo-
Burman frontal fold belt. This area is marked by anomalous topographic expressions
which are manifested through several gently sloping large surfaces. Dhaleshwari river is
the major stream of the area and is highly active and shows intense down cutting,
resulting into a deep V-shape valley also revealed by topographic profiles. Drainage
basins show deviation from the normal concave morphometry and slopes are flatter with a
tilting which indicate that area is under tectonic influence. Computed morphometric
indices also corroborate the above facts.