The development and prosperity of a Country is largely dependent on the availability of power. Growth of generation and utilisat ion of power is aptly taken as the index of economic development of any region or a country. For a developing country like ours, the need for generation and distribution of electricity is all the more as power is not only required for Industrial and domestic uses, it is also required for vast areas for tapping the ground water resources for Irrigation purposes. Rural electrification for village industry and Lift Irrigation too has gained moment= in the past few years. As a result of these development activities and the rapidly grrw-ing Industry and traction load,, the demand for power has increa-sed. at an enormous rate and it became necessary to add a number of new schemes to augment power supply position in the plan period. Whtle the installed generation capacity in the country under all the categories of power stations i.e. oil, thermal and }Iydro was only a meagre 1363 MW at the time of independence (1947) it has risen to 1297 MW at the and of 1968-69
Inspite of the tremendous stride made in the growth of gene-ration, the supply of power has fallen short of demand at various parts of India, at different times resulting in huge losses to the nation by way of loss of production...