A wireless Ad-hoc network consists of wireless nodes communicating without the need for a centralized administration, in which all nodes potentially contribute to the routing process. A user can move anytime in an ad-hoc scenario and, as a result, such a network needs to have routing protocols which can adapt dynamically changing topology. To accomplish this, number of ad-hoc routing protocols have been proposed and reported in the literature. The ad-hoc networking has been receiving continuous attention from the wireless research community.
In recent years several routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad-hoc
networks (MANETs), prominent among them are DSDV (destination sequenced . distance vector), AODV (ad-hoc on-demand distance vector) and DSR (dynamic source routing) protocols. Considerable amount of simulation work have been reported in the literature to measure the performance of these routing protocols with identical traffic load and mobility patterns. Due to constant changing nature of these protocols, a new performance evaluation for quality of service (QoS) parameters with different traffic load and mobility conditions is essential.
In this work, the performance of commonly used ad-hoc network routing protocols with different traffic load and mobility patterns have been compared using OPNET/ns2 simulators. For validation, the simulated results have been compared with the experimental data available in the literature. The effect of QoS parameters on congestion nodes has been evaluated. To avoid congestion using modification of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer parameters and fuzzy technique have been proposed. The bandwidth control management routing algorithm have been developed and analyzed.