From the initial stages, there was a need felt for the use of Computer Systems to automate end to end daily processes of Organizations. These Systems will have unified information architecture, reduce the paper work and redundancies in operations. With the globalization of economies and rapid expansion of corporates across the globe, the information is needed to
be accessed instantly at any part, any time in the world. Also there is a consistent requirement to keep all the stored data in sync with each other. Several Function specific applications were made by different vendors for separate modules which attempted to serve this purpose by fulfilling some of the objectives, but there was an urgent need of integrating these applications, so that data is consistent as well as retrievable across all the departments around the globe.
ERP Applications attempts to integrate all departments and functions
across a company onto a single computer system that serves all departments' particular needs. It combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs off a single database. So, various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other. Oracle Applications are such kind of integrated applications which are packaged in one EBusiness suite called Oracle 11i.'
This report describes building of some of the modules of such an
Application suite called ORACLE 11i E Business suite namely the Purchasing and Payables modules, which automates an organization's purchasing, and payables process, is well integrated with other modules of Oracle 11i suite. This application like other Oracle Applications can be accessed through a browser using a three tier architecture and supports multiple languages and multiple platforms.
The Enterprise Management System is built on Oracle Applications platform The Operating System used are Solaris and Microsoft Windows NT 4. The tools used are Developer 6i, Sqf*plus and Oracle Flint. The language
used is pl/sq!.