Traditional methods of landslide hazard analysis in Garhwal Himalayan region are based
on geomorphic observations and sparse subsurface data obtained from boreholes or
excavations. They are neither informative in understanding the causes of landslides nor
useful for undertaking suitable remedial measures. Further, these methods can not cope up
with active land slide challenges. Here, an integrated geophysical methodology involving
ERT, IPI and gravity is proposed for debris type active landslide characterization in terms
of causes, mechanism and dynamics.
The use of gravity along with ERT and IPI is attempted in a novel way for
characterizing three active landslide sites of Garhwal Himalaya. They are respectively,
Naitwar Bazar landslide, Salna village sinking zone and Narayan Bagar landslide.
Electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization imaging methods were
helpful in ascertaining the depth of slip surface of Naitwar Bazar landslide. They could
locate saturated sandy zones or locked ground water pockets within the sliding mass and
predict slopes of future failure. The utilization of gravity method has inferred the depth of
hard rock surface and facilitated a better understanding of the possible causes of mass
The deployment of gravity method has inferred the presence of several neotectonically
activated faults in Salna village sinking zone site, which are found to be
parallel to the major lineaments of the region. The crisscross network of these inferred
faults has divided the entire region into several blocks. Application of electrical resistivity
tomography supported by gravity method has revealed these inferred faults to be vertical to
sub-vertical in nature. Integrated approach has clearly explained the reason for sinking of
the site, which is currently taking place along these vertical to sub-vertical faults.
For the landslide at Narayan Bagar, gravity study has revealed the presence of
faults in the subsurface, which may not be tectonically active now. However, these faults
are found to be parallel to thrusts close to the landslide site. These faults seem to have
severely crushed the subsurface rock formations. These crushed zones in turn could have
acted as conduit for draining water from the upper reaches of the slope. The electrical
resistivity tomography supported by induced polarization imaging reveals the presence of
low resistive clayey and sandy clay horizons at a greater depth within the fault zone.
An attempt also made to evaluate the stability of slopes through geotechnical
methods for all the three sites as per norms. The results of geotechnical investigations
corroborate well with geophysical findings.
Three models of failure mechanism are inferred from the geophysical
investigations. The first model is based on a simple sliding mechanism, where incompetent
layer slides over competent formation due to gravity. The second model that is based on a
fault mechanism explains land subsidence due to neo-tectonically activated faults. The
third model which is also based on fault mechanism, explains the role of subsurface
drainage in the mass wasting processes of Garhwal Himalaya.
The present study reveals the importance of integrated geophysical approaches for
active landslide characterization. The strength of chosen combination of electrical
resistivity tomography, induced polarization imaging and gravity method illustrated in
characterizing three active landslides of Garhwal Himalaya. The same may be deployed for
landslide characterization of debris type slides in other similar mountainous regions of the