Since the time electricity generation from water has started, plant operators and supervisors have been involved in operation, controlling, monitoring and data acquisition tasks manually. Later, relay logic control systems came into application which assisted the operators in start/ stop sequences of power plant yet monitoring and data acquisition tasks were done manually. During all these years, the accuracy of data acquisition and post-fault-decision was dependent on the experience and judgment of the operators and supervisors.
Computer-based control and data acquisition systems have brought a revolution in every sphere of work and play a key role in hydro power plant operation also. The automation system design and implementation is being done in India for large hydro plants at a wide scale in recent times. But for small hydro power plants, automation system is yet to gain popularity. The main aim of this study is to find reasons attributing to slow adaptation of the automation in Indian small hydro power sector and to report the present status of the automation in small hydro sector.
The present study covers all areas of automation, advantages of its adaptation in terms of higher revenues, longer life of equipment, lesser human interface (interference) and efficiency of the plants. Economic analysis has also been carried out with respect to capital cost, operation and maintenance cost of automation vis-a-vis increased returns. Through consultation with equipment manufacturers and hydro plant personnel, it was found that the problem with the slow adaptation of automation in small hydro power plants is due to mindset of people. Sensitization of end users and consultants need to be done along with training of the operating personnel. Another reason of low adaptability is the installation of non-reliable field instruments becoming bad examples. The full potential of the automation-system is not being realized. The cost of implementation of automation system in a small hydro plant is also studied which is about 1- 2% of the total cost.
With the field survey of power plant personnel, it was found that small power plants in South India are more satisfied with the automation system especially on run-of-river plants. Plants on canal falls are less successful especially in North. The operators are less satisfied than managers and engineers. Analyses of the data from the several power plants show that the use of manual system leads to numerous losses which can be reduced by the use of automation.