In India more than 99 percentage of the total primary gold is from a vast expanse
of over 4,0000 sq.km area covering major part of Karnataka, Andhra Predesh, Tamil
Nadu and Kerala. Therefore, it is imperative to fully assess the gold potential of the gold
fertile land of southern India. Traditionally, high grade metamorphic settings have been
regarded as unfavorable for hosting gold deposits. As a result, exploration as well as
research has been biased towards amphibolite facies and lower grade metamorphic
settings in Precambrian terrains. However, now it is becoming increasingly clear that
gold deposits do occur in granulite facies terrains and these areas are unexplored. This is
an attempt to look at the evolutionary history of gold deposits in Southern Granulite
Terrain using geochemical, fluid inclusion study and taking into consideration of the
existing knowledge from published structural and geochronological studies.
Metavolcanics and metasedimentary rocks designated as 'Attappadi supracrustals'
occur as enclaves and remnants within the gneisses exposed in the crustal scale Bhavani
shear zone. The assemblage of rock types such as metapyroxinite, talc-tremoliteactinolite
schist, amphibolites, Banded Iron Formations (BIF), sillimanite/kyanite
bearing quartzite andfuchsite quartzite in Attappadi represents a greenstone belt setup.
Geochemical studies of metavolcanics show that the Attappadi greenstone belt consists
of Fe-rich tholeiites. This metavolcanics (tholeiitic composition) intercalated Algoma
type BIF. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of low K-tholeiite of Attappdi exhibit
enrichments in LREE with respect to HREE. The possible reasons for overall enrichment
of LREE reflect the composition of an enriched source EMORB or related to
metasomatic enrichment in a hydrothermal system. The BIFs show LREE enrichment
with a striking positive Eu anomaly. Possible source materials of positive Eu anomaly of
BIF have been attributed to a hydrothermal activity in oceanic environment.
Considering various criteria like lithological assemblages, geological setting and
geochemistry it is proposed that at least a major part of the volcanism of the Attappadi
supracrustal sequence must have evolved in a spreading center tectonic setting. The
protoliths of gneisses in Attappadi are of monzodioritic in composition, they are intruded
into the Attappadi supracrustals during the melting of lower crust in a convergent tectonic
setting and crustal thickening possibly associated with a subduction related processes,
during the late stage of greenstone belt deformation have provided a favorable
geochemical environment for gold mineralization under the conditions of deformation
and metamorphism.
The mineralized zones typically occur within or in the vicinity of regional,
crustal-scale deformation zones with a brittle to ductile type of deformation.The veins are
concentrated in a 20-to 30-km wide 30-km long, linear NE-SW trending zone. The
regional-scale sigmoidal pattern of the vein arrays strongly suggests that this broad zone
acted as a regional scale shear zone. Gold is intimately associated with sulfide minerals,
including pyrite, pyrrhotite chalcopyrite and galena in quartz veins. One or possibly two
mineralizing events appear to have deposited gold in Attappadi greenstone belt. The first
stage gave rise to a mineral assemblage consisting of simultaneous pyrite and gold
deposition and followed by a late stage deposition of chalcopyrite and galena filling
microfractures in quartz. Fe-rich tholeiite possibly under different physical conditions
must have provided required sulfur and gold to hydrothermal fluid in Attappadi
greenstone belt
Fluid inclusion study of gold-quartz veins in Attappadi area provide good
evidence of fluid chemistry, depositional environment, and origin of mineralizing fluids
in this deformed terrain. The mineralizing fluids have relatively low salinity (3-
6wt%NaCl eq.), consistent density ofC02 (0.6-0.7 g/cm3) and H2-0-C02rich. During the
late stage of Attappadi greenstone belt deformation and metamorphism, the circulating
hydrothermal fluids (H20-C02 fluid) were responsible for the breakdown of
ferromagnesian minerals and release of silica which along with gold from the tholeiite
rocks formed the quartz veins within the shear zones. This is correlated to the higher gold
content available in the mafic rocks and also corroborated by the spatial proximity of the
auriferous quartz veins to them. Alternatively magmatic fluid can also be considered as
possible source for vein-type gold deposit in Attappadi, mainly because of the
widespread distribution ofgranitic intrusive in the supracrustals. However, less saline and
H20-C02 fluids in inclusions present in quartz veins have relatively consistent
composition throughout Attappadi region suggesting a regional uniform, homogeneous
fluid source related to metamorphism.
The combination of the fluid inclusion and other data suggest a pressure-temperature
range of ore formation of the order of 250-300°C and 2.5 kb. The close association of
gold with sulfide minerals within quartz veins indicates that gold was transported as bi
sulfide complexes. The phase separation due to the lowering of lithostatic pressure during
regional upliftment caused fluid immiscibility which has been proposed as the principle
mechanism for gold deposition in Attappadi greenstone belt.
Summing up the source of fluids, the Attappadi greenstone belt constitutes
orogenic gold deposits that formed by metamorphic fluids from accretionary processes and generated by prograde metamorphism and thermal re-equilibration of subducted
volcano-sedimentary terrains