Though a fair amount of work on the Quaternary soils/sediments of the
Upper Gangetic has been carried out (Srivastava et al., 1994; Kumar et al., 1996;
Singh et al., 2006; Bhosle et al., 2008), only limited studies (Mohindra et al.,
1992; Gohain et al., 1993) on these aspects of the Middle Gangetic Plains have
been undertaken. We have confined our studies to the region between the
Ghaghara and Kosi rivers. The region between the Ghaghara and Rapti rivers
belongs to the Upper Gangetic plain and the area east of the Rapti forms a major
part of the Middle Gangetic plain.
Major geomorphic features identified in the study area are: old piedmont,
young piedmont, active piedmont, old plains, terminal fans, megafan (Gandak
Megafan), terraces and misfit river (Burhi Gandak River).
Optically stimulated luminescence ages of C-horizons of soils help to
categorize soil-geomorphic units into six groups depending upon the major
breaks in plot of ages in the form of bars in decreasing order. Based on these
breaks, six morpho-stratigraphic members of a Quaternary Ganga
Morphostratigraphic Sequence (QGMS-I to QGMS-VI) are recognized with
increasing age i.e.<1.4 Ka, 1.4-4.7 Ka, 4.7-6.9 Ka, 6.9-8.4 Ka, 8.4-10 Ka and >
10 Ka, respectively
Using Ground penetrating Radar (GPR), we confirmed the surface
expression of two basement faults i.e. West Patna Fault (WPFt) and South
Muzaffarpur Fault (SMRFt). The WPFt is a set of normal faults, whereas the
SMRFt consist of two major normal faults. Also, GPR studies show that due to
activity of normal faults, terminal fans were deposited on the downthrown sides.
Three sandy sequences (each 2-3 m), overlying thick sands of a large river (the
River Gandak) on the downthrown block of SMRFt were observed, indicating
. repeated activities of the fault.
GPR studies show that the older Gandak River underlying some terminal
fan deposits consist of braid bar deposits formed due migration of dunes or
deposition in upper plane bed phase leading to deposition of sigmoidal to
trough cross-bedded/flat-bedded sand in deeper anbranches in the lower parts,
whereas in upper parts, mainly lateral accretion and upstream/downstream
accretions are very common. GPR investigation of terminal fans indicate that
these are mainly lateral accretion sand facies overlain by mud fades, deposited
in floodplains and/or in abandoned channels.
We have identified three major tectonic features (twenty two faults, two
lineaments and three tectonic blocks). The study area is divided into three
tectonic blocks namely the Ghaghara-Rapti block, Rapti-Gandak block and
Gandak-Kosi block separated by the two major faults i.e. Rapti fault-ll and
Gandak fault.
The Ghaghara-Rapti Interfluve block is a part of the Upper Gangetic
Plains and bounding longitudinal faults like Ghaghara and Rapti Faults are
curvilinear with convexity to the SW, like other longitudinal faults in the Upper
Gangetic Plains. Here the bounding rivers like Ghaghara and Rapti are incised in
nature and the Interfluve is an upland area. The Upland has been a site of
deposition since about 10 ka by terminal fans due to the activity of transverse
normal faults and longitudinal Rapti Fault-I.
The Gandak megafan block has been marked by northeastward tilting,
causing a shift of the Gandak River from west to east over a distance of 80 km
during the period 10-8.6 ka. This has led to a higher degree of soil development
in the west, which decreases to the east. Since about 4.5 Ka, due to activity of EWtrending
faults, four terminal fans have been deposited.
The Gandak-Kosi Interfan Block is marked by a number of E-W trending
longitudinal faults. Due to activity of the North Sitamarhi fault, at the base of the
Old Piedmont, a 44 km wide younger piedmont has developed, which gives a
width of 82 km for the whole piedmont, which is the highest in the Gangetic
Plains. Activity of a number of longitudinal faults since 1.3 Ka has led to
development of terminal fans, which cover major parts of the plains (mainly
swampy in nature).
The curvilinear Ghaghara and Rapti faults (like other such faults in the
Upper Gangetic Plains) were earlier explained due to compression from SW
(Parkash et al., 2000). However, the development of E-W trending longitudinal
faults in the Middle Gangetic Plains suggest a compression from south.
Using Global positioning system Srivedi (2004) found out the Indiaoplate is
showing movements towards NE and Nin the Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains,
respectively, which are similar to those given by faults inferred by us. However,
ages of soils suggest that such deformation patterns have been active at least
since -10 Ka in the Upper and since ~4.5ka in the Middle Gangetic Plains.