Study over the years showed that simple instruction are used most of the time in CISC processors and many complex instructions can be replaced by group of simple instructions. In that sense RISC processor are designed to ...
Now-a-days High speed, Low resolution ADCs are of utmost concern because of continues growth in demand of UWB appliances. As process scales down many traditional ADC architectures, mostly relying on analog feedback will ...
The Brahmaputra is the largest river in the Indian subcontinent and ranks fifth in the world in terms of discharge. The specific yield from its catchment area is one of the highest in the world due to incidence of very ...
Earthen-rock fill dams are economical in construction if feasible from design consideration as these can utilize locally - available materials and less skilled labour. Further, modem developments in earth hauling equipments ...
A 2-D study of dispersion of pollutants through porous media.
The ever increasing magnitude of deliberate or inadver
tent subsurface discharge of wastes poses a threat to the
quality of ground waters, which often ...
The drawing is the most important product of the design process in Mechanical Engineering. Drawing documentation constitutes a link between the design office and the manufacture. Traditional industrial drafters spend lot ...
This dissertation aims towards the design analysis of 2.4/5.2 GHz dual band reflection type varactor based tunable phase shifter. Dual band impedence transforming 3 dB quadrature coupler is first designed at 2.4/5.2 GHz ...
The inherent strength of a bunker makes it an effective blast resistant
structure. Strategic structures like bunkers are used for the protection of personnel, equipment and for storage of explosives/ammunition.
Explosive ...
2 Dimensional inversion has been applied to the processed existing data of the Himalayan region to study the conductivity distribution of the subsurface. The profile I have used extends from Deoband to Gangotri of 200km ...
This dissertation presents an efficient forward modelling algorithm MT 2D_EFDM based on. Exponential Finite Difference Method (EFDM) for simulation of magnetotelluric response of 2D earth as a modification of Classical ...
The Magnetotelluric (MT) method is used to estimate the conductivity
distribution in earth interior by measuring natural time varying orthogonal
components of horizontal electric and magnetic fields on the earth's surface. ...
During the past two decades cable-stayed bridges have found wide applications. Their increasing popularity may be attributed to — the economy of the total design and construction, ease of maintenance and aesthetics. The ...
Numerical methods employed for 3-D electromagnetic (EM) forward
modelling are : Finite Element Method (FEM), Integral Equation Method (IEM)
and a Hybrid Method (HM) - Compact Finite Element Method (CFEM) - that
amalgamates ...
The objective of this dissertation is to study static and dynamic behavior of a barrage consisting of five bays under varying foundation conditions using finite element method and to study the behavior of raft, piers and ...
Interpenetrating Phase Composites (IPCs) are multiphase composites where each phases is interconnected three- dimensionally. The lighter, stilThr stronger and tougher material is called metal phase and the other as ...
A 90 m high concrete gravity dam has been proposed across the river Alaknanda at Srinagar in District Tehri/Pauri Garhwal of Uttar Pradesh. The proposed dam axis is aligned in N 31°-14'-26" E or S 31°-14'-26" W direction ...
Recent years the radiation effects on modern electronic devices are considered to be an
important task, due to continues technology scaling and minimal nodal capacitances. Heavy ion
impacts on electronic devices causes ...
Z-source inverters (ZSI) have a unique ability to achieve single stage voltage buck-boost
operation for energy conversion. This thesis presents a three-level ZSI using a single LC
impedance network for photovoltaic (PV) ...
Generally the building frames are analysed by Response
Spectrum Method. Some of the modal combination rules used in Response Spectrum Method which has been suggested in ASCE-4-86 i.e. ASCE Standards on seismic analysis ...