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Authors: Salim, A.
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: Integrated development plan at micro level planning takes in to account the essential needs of the local people, and arrive at policies for judicious use of the locally available resources. A successful micro level plan relies upon the key- planning tool, such as, systems analysis, operation research, statistics, socio economic evaluation and infrastructure system. An urban system comprises several interacting subsystems, such as, Institutions, land, population, infrastructure, industries, trade and commerce, agriculture, and ecology and environment and function as integral whole. All subsystems, comprising the urban system are inextricably linked since they not only are interconnected but also are interdependent on each other. The present investigation attempt to take a close look at the micro level development in an urban system, and undertake an in-depth study in each of its various subsystems, and finally making use of the multiple, complex linkages within the system, projects the future scenarios and arrive at a set of policy directions for promoting a steady growth of the urban economy. An extensive field survey was conducted to collect relevant data and suitable analytical and quantitative techniques were employed for quantifying the available resources, infrastructure services, and for estimating the demand and supply for infrastructure for 2031 A.D in the closed system. A system dynamic model was developed, and employed to take in to account the functions of different subsystems under various alternative conditions. The most important infrastructure services, which decide the functions in the particular urban system, such as, housing, health, education, and power were considered along with population and population growth in the system. The study enables a close examination of the overall implication of several alternative policy options characterized by various combinations of the relevant control parameters. Thiruvananthapuram city, one of the industrially backward State Capitals of India, was selected for the purpose of this investigation. The study confines attention to the microstructure of the demand and supply of infrastructure services, socio-economic conditions, agro climatic factors, physical barriers, etc., that influence the evolution of plausible, integrated development plan in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the population. Finally, a set of policy guidelines and recommendations has been developed for achieving integrated development in the study area.
Other Identifiers: Ph.D
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Devdas, V.
metadata.dc.type: Doctoral Thesis
Appears in Collections:DOCTORAL THESES (A&P)

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