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Authors: Kumar, Ravindra
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: The convergence of communication and navigational technologies with multimedia content and geo-information creates new opportunities for geo-Infomobility services. Such services integrate the mobile device seamlessly with multimedia content and location based information. GPS (Global Positioning System) utilized for navigation systems of automobiles was rapidly generalized in these several years, and it is to be utilized in order to deal with legislation of position information reports in urgent reports of portable mobile phones. GPS is compact equipment, and it features that position information can be independently acquired, even if users do not originally construct ground infrastructure. It is thought that we can construct a system which offers useful information to drivers as a train navigation. By utilizing this features in railways, and by grasping a position of a train on web and other getting other real time information like arrival station, signal, crossing, bridge, over bridge and other feature. GPS satellites will communicate with the system installed in train and the positional information is updated after every few seconds, which along with the embedded software will help the user for navigational purposes and for finding routes for destination. The system would be connected to central monitoring server via wireless communication link. The high end sophisticated software at central monitoring server will help to track the train from any part of the world at any time which will help the users to know the present geographical location where train is moving, the software will also be having facility to provide speed information.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, Kamal
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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