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Authors: Kapil, Vivek
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: The photovoltaic system technologies are rapidly expanding and have increasing roles in electric power technologies, providing more secure power- -sources and pollution, free electric supplies. Due to higher system cost, this option is given serious consideration before. installation of new photovoltaic system.' The proper system design and array size can reduce the energy cost to some extent without reducing the component price. In the present work, - the various factors which_ influence the design and system sizing are identified and considered for proper selection of -solar array and battery size. This work presents an application of artificial "neural network for the estimation of peak power rating of photovoltaic module, located far from public' power -networks. The' output power from the photovoltaic module depends on the environmental factors` such as irradiation, and air temperature, the location of the site of installation,, the tilt angle 'of the. -array and the demand of the utility. For this purpose, irradiation, temperature, tilt angle & - load demand are considered 'as the • input information to the proposed neural network. The estimated peak power output (Rating) under, the conditions given by these factors' is obtained as' output. The proposed neural network has been found to give estimation of peak power output with high accuracy as compared with the conventional multiple regression model. A comparison of the values shows a maximum deviation of 4.75%. In order to identify the sensitive parameters a sensitivity analysis is also carried out using the trained network. The sensitivity analysis shows that "the peak current requirement is minimum when the tilt angle of the array is equal to the latitude of the site of installation. It also infers that peak current requirement is greatly effected by the insolation level and the load demand, whereas, the effect of air temperature on peak current is not significant.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Fernandez, E.
Saini, R. P.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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