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Authors: Devi, Sunita
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: Increasing demand of water emphasises the need for planning and development of basin resources. Basin resource planning is a complex and difficult task, creates numerous social economic environmental and engineering problems. Most of these difficulties are primarily due to, variable inflows and large number of possible alternatives. Hence a major task is to reduce the set of alternatives that need to be examined in detail, to a reasonable number With-out eliminating an attractive option. The most commonly suggested approach is to test the most attractive alternative with a mathematical programming technique by building optimization model to determine the best outcome under a set of basic constraints. Efficient planning of limited water resources is an important requirement in comprehensive planning of basin resources. Therefore isolated planning and management studies have been carried out for large river basins using system analysis technique. Although several optimization techniques are available in literature for the planning of water resources, it has been generally accepted that real life applications are required to validate the efficacy and worthwhileness of these techniques. This work relates to modelling of a large river basin system using linear programming and to test it on a complex river basin system consisting of multi reservoirs and multi irrigation areas. The main objectives of this study include (i) To study and analyse in detail the agreement reached among the co-basin States for sharing of river water and to determine the optimal allocations of 111 My Sincere thanks are due to Library staff, Office staff and other staff for their time to time help. I am also thankful to the FICL Engineers for their constant help throughout the period of investigation. My special thanks are due to my all friends and DTP-Staff for their sincere and special efforts and cooperation throughout the period of present research. I express my thanks to Mr. Niraj Rohela and Mr. Yash Pal for their efforts made in typing and final formatting of this thesis. I express my warm regards, sincere thanks and profound gratitude to my parents and my father-in-law for their constant encouragement and best wishes. I am indebted to my sisters, brother, brother -in-law, sister-in-law for their encouragement and blessings. Finally I wishes to express my deep sense of gratitude to my husband Dr. Rajendra Prasad for constant encouragement and invaluable contribution to my work. I highly appreciate the patience of my son Gaurav Kapil and my daughter Smita Kapil for bearing all the hardships which came across during the course of this work.
Other Identifiers: Ph.D
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Srivastava, D. K.
Mohan, C.
metadata.dc.type: Doctoral Thesis
Appears in Collections:DOCTORAL THESES (Maths)

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