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Authors: Singh, Satpal
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: Sluice gates are widely used for measuring, controlling and regulating the flows in hydraulic structures. Depending on the purpose and situation of flow condition these gates are provided at different locations. Sometimes, they are placed on a horizontal floor whereas in case of diversion structures they are placed on a raised crest. A situation different from these occurs when gates are placed in the under sluice portion of barrages, in this case only the upstream floor is horizontal while the downstream floor is a sloping one and there is no raised crest. The discharge characteristics of sluice agates kept on a horizontal floor and on a raised crest have been studied in the past whereas very limited information is available for these undersluice gates. For sluice gates located on a horizontal floor, the discharge characteristics have been studied by Henry (3), whereas for sluice gates on a raised crest these characteristics have been studied by Ranga Raju and Visavadia (6) and Ranga Raju and Gopalkrishna (5). Recently Sanjay (10), Rekha (9) and Khaund (4) studied the discharge characteristics of undersluice gates. These studies have shown that the discharge characteristics of undersluice gates are quite different from those for sluice gates on horizontal floor and on a raised crest. Sanjay (10) and Rekha (9) proposed relationships for estimating the discharge through the undersluice gates.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Mittal, M. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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