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Authors: Kumar, Ashwani
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Hills are the most difficult yet most interesting and challenging features to carry any development work. Construction of buildings in Hilly terrain is constrained by their difficult terrain, steep gradients, complex geological structure, climatic conditions and rich flora. In response to these settings various built form construction techniques and patterns of development have emerged in different hill regions of country. There are some very interesting and outstanding examples of buildings on hill sites throughout the history of human civilization which reflect the sensitivity and geniuses of the builders. Though, the traditional built form of hill settlements in India is characterized by low rise buildings with sloping roofs; mid rise structures have been built for religious and civic purposes. Similarly mid rise shop cum residential buildings in the market areas were built for local population in hill stations developed by British like Shimla, Mussorie, Nainital, though the predominant pattern of development consisted of low rise cottages for European and elite. Thus most of the hill settlements have been essentially low density low rise. The tremendous increase of population of select hill towns due to improved accessibility and transport facilities, increase in domestic tourism and various employment generation schemes for local population has resulted in new pattern of development consisting of mid rise buildings. These mid rise buildings along with low rise, high density, development almost cover the entire hill slopes, which results in congestion, overcrowding, insufficient infrastructural facilities and leads to unhealthy living and, working conditions. Mid rise buildings are coming up in core areas of towns and in newly' developed areas on the periphery of town. Mid rise buildings are mainly preferred in hill towns primarily for Public buildings, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, institutions and also preferred for new residential apartment construction. Due to the increased need of mid rise buildings in hill towns , there is a need to understand the planning and design issues, formulation of planning and design guidelines focusing on site planning, functionality, space requirements, structural safety against fire and natural hazards, services, energy conservation, aesthetics in hill towns to ensure a better, safer, and healthy environment.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Pushplata
Paul, D. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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