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Authors: Adapa, Chanukya Kumar
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: The Induction motors have wide range of applications in present world. Induction motor is superior in terms of characteristics compared to DC motors, but control cannot be equaled with DC motor. Field-oriented control technique makes induction motor control easy. But this technique is having effect of parameter variation. Implementation of PWM inverter plays an important role in the FOC scheme. The present work deals with design and development of hysteresis current controlled PWM inverter. A 3-phase PWM inverter is designed and developed with IGBT's. The 3-phase reference sine waves for hysteresis current controller are generated using 8031 microcontroller-based card. The amplitude and frequency of reference wave at which PWM inverter is to be operated is transmitted serially from personal computer at 2400 baud rate to microcontroller card. Digital data for reference wave generated is stored in 8031 microcontroller external memory. This digital data is applied as input to 10-bit DAC. Analog multipliers are used to multiply sine wave of unit magnitude with amplitude of the wave. The field-oriented control scheme for induction motor drive is developed in MATLAB simulation. To increase speed-tracking performance under detuning, detuning of IFOC fuzzy controller is used instead of P1 speed controller The performance of IFOC of induction motor with out fuzzy and with fuzzy has conmpared. analytically.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Agarwal, Pramoad
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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