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Authors: Luthra, Vinti
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: Present day power. systems are complex and have grown Very large. It now more important to design and operate systems with high degree o • practical' efficiency, securitY and reliability. In_ recent years; the Main emphasis, of pOwer system engineering has been on the .iniprOvethent of service :quality., It is noted: -that ...:.increase in capacity,. of interconnection systems, allows a reduction in the capacity, of generation,, means a= more economic jhanagernent of the system'...;This increase, especially in the case of long .distances can be obtained more economically by the use of more complex technological devices. The resulting reliabilty : of .the electric systern and the-'-consequences on system operation are the `subject of in-depth Stildy., these 'phenomena are sometimes difficult to represent at the planning 'stage and then Concern more particularly the implicit ot explicit margins required by operators and performance of the control system at his diSpbsal. The modern reactive power , control concerns not only the regulatiol of system voltages, but 'also the co-ordinated operation of the reactive power Sources within the system. The - objective of reactive power dispatch- is to control - all contr011able reactive power sources in the system in a co-ordinated manner - to improve the, system voltage profile and to' the system losses. . The reactive power dispatch problem' is a non-linear constrained Mathematical prOgrarnming. problem, and most of the currently available non- linear programming methods are applicable to only small power systems. The difficulty - is in both the tasks :.of forMUlation and -solution of optimitation' prObleMs. iinprovements in these tasks,' therefore, would- make the application -Optimization methods to large size power sySteth problems a practipal realia.Zation. Hence an attempt' has been -made to -develbp improved algorithrn4:for reactive power management. the Work,. an efficient method for 'reactive power dispatch and voltage iniprOVernent in power system is presented-. The r p rbb e ni is formulated as an, Optirnisation . problem. The objective function is the system losses and margin of reactive power generation. the constraints consist of the pdWer floW ,equations and limits on variables, the problem.' is solved using Newton's methOd and sparsity techniques are applied to reduce storage - -equirements and computational efforts.,
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Sharma, j. D.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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