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Authors: Sangal, Sapna
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Bamboo as a material has been extensively researched in various traditions of the orient cultures. The bamboo, be it as a plant or as an article or as a means of construction, befits any purpose the mankind can think of. This report has been a compilation of the properties of bamboo, its varied applications in various fields. The mechanical properties of bamboo have been presented and correlated with the anatomy of the plant. The procedures and treatments required to be followed so as to obtain material of good quality have also been explained. Construction details of various basic structural members have been discussed in depth. Appropriate illustrations have been provided to support the report. The desire to understand bamboo, stems from the idea to attempt to redefine the term development and progress in my area of expertise i.e. architecture. With modernity, these terms have come to be associated with newer materials, if putitflore bluntly, then materials which require large amount of resources to manufacture them. If we continue to 'progress' without questioning, then we are headed fdr a catastrophe. The intention of this report was to explore other possibilities of construction and if possible, to make a strong case out of it. Bamboo which was chosen mo-re by accident than design proves beyond the wildest imagination of the current set of dogmas. Its contribution to nature as a plant, versatility as a material and ease of construction make this material highly desirable. To further this objective, experiments have been conducted and the axial behaviour of bamboo analysed. This would be a small contribution from my side in a large sea of work that needs to be done towards formulation of building code of practice for bamboo
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Prakash, Vipul
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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