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Authors: Rao, B. Venkata
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The basic information available in telephone directory is on owner's name, address and telephone numbers available in a hard copy form. With the popularity of information technology these directories are now prepared in digital form. The task of searching the telephone numbers is made easy by maintaining, the database in the form of compact discs, through various search options. These digital directories can be queried for retrieving different databases. Graphical directories are a new phenomenon becoming famous in the developed countries. In a graphical directory various search options are present by which one can search by knowing any information of the telephone owner. One advantage of graphical directory compared to other directories is that the geographical location is highlighted in a map. Using Geomedia GIS package customizing with Visual Basic an graphical telephone directory is prepared. In the present study, IIT Roorkee campus area is considered and a graphical telephone directory has been prepared. The present study can be generalized and can be used for other areas by changing the data file and the corresponding geographic map. If further geographical location of the owner in the area map is required than GIS can provide these information along with information available from DBMS. This an attempt to create a graphical telephone directory in GIS environment.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, Kamal
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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