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Authors: Singh, Sanjay Kumar
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: For referring this dissertation and unless otherwise defined in the text, the following symbols shall have the meanings noted against each : Af area of top flange of steel beam of a composite section As cross section area of steel beam of a composite section At cross-section area of transverse reinforcement in composite beams in cm2/m b breath of flange in T-section bf width of top flange of steel sections. ds thickness of concrete slab Es modulus of elasticity of steel E, modulus of elasticity of concrete f,ck characteristic strength of concrete in Mpa total concrete compressive force in composite beams Fy characteristic strength in steel in Mpa Ls length of shear surface in mm M. ultimate bending moment N number of times each transverse reinforcement Crosse the shear surface Nc number of mechanical shear connectors at a cross-section Pc design ultimate strength of shear connector in kN Q horizontal shear force in kN/m tf average thickness of the top flange of the steel section iii Xt, depth of neutral axis at ultimate limit state of flexure shear resistance per meter run of beam Qk Characteristic of strength of connector V Shear at section Vc Ultimate shear force a Stress ratio a„a2,... area of SFD in length 1„12, d Depth of C.G. of steel section from top of slab fci Maximum stress in concrete fs4 Maximum stress in steel fc. 28 days cube crushing strength. h Height of stud connector hs Depth of steel section 1 load carrying capacity he Thickness of concrete slab qc Permissible load carrying capacity of stud q. Ultimate load carrying capacity of stud fs Permissible stress in steel..
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Prasad, Jagdish
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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