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Authors: Dhar, Murle
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: Anaerobic digestion is used in many wastewater treatment plants for the stabilization of a lager fraction of organic matter. Since anaerobic digestion process is essentially diaphasic, this often leads to process in instability due to imbalance occrur between groups of micro-organisms responsible for the intitial acidficaiton, and those effecting final conversion of the substrate to methane.Little attention has been paid to the first phase ( acidification) , the process by which waste particulates are solubilized and fermented to volatile acids. Many organic particulates pose a serious draw back Mr the use of high rate anaerobic reactor, such as upllow anaerobic sludge blanket. this experimental study was done in three phases to analysis the solubilization of complex organics in anaerobic digester. In first phase two type of substrate rice starch and cellulose have been used for comparison and this showeithat the rate of change of non WA COD in the case of starch is much higher than that of cellulose. Also the rate of methane production from rice was 65mg CH7COD mg/l/day . In second phase reduction of VSS was studied . In third phase OR studies were done to determine, suitable HRT for solubilizaiton. if has been found that sof ubilizaiton increased VFA COD at HRT of 12 h..
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Pramod
Mehrotra, Indu
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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