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Authors: Kumar, Hitesh
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: In a developing country like India where 73% of the population resides in rural area and 27% in urban areas, we need a very structured planning procedure such that the development activities and infrastructure facilities are available at both urban and rural area. However, in such a condition where majority of people live in rural area and are provided with the least infrastructure facilities, creates a regional imbalance in development, causing shift in population from rural to urban areas. Hence administrators or decision-makers require an efficient GIS based tool, which will assist them to get the updated scenario of the region. The present study emphasizes the power of GIS technology which will help the state government of Uttaranchal to better understand and evaluate spatial data by creating graphic displays using information stored in the database. As GIS does more than just display the data; it enables the user to dynamically analyze and update the information linked to those locations spatially and can further strengthen the e-governance. Tehri Ciarhwal district is taken as a case study covering all the 9 blocks with 1760 villages. The administrative maps were digitized and non-spatial attribute data, prepared on MS-Excel, were incorporated to each of the villages in spatial data. In the present study two prime parameters �â� � Primary facilities and secondary facilities are taken as a model to demonstrate the GIS based e-governance. The purpose of this study is to locate existing Primary and secondary facilities and indicate upgradation /new creation of such facilities require as per the norms. The objectives of the present study are: �â� �¢ To provide the planners an accurate spatial view of the district at different levels such as district, block and village level as well as road, rail and drainage network etc. �â� �¢ To provide the planners detailed demographic infrastructure related data on desktop in a GIS environment. �â� �¢ To assists the planners in finding out the possible locations for such facilities depending on concerned parameters such as for health; population, no. of health centers required and its optimum location, no. of disease infected persons etc. in a village...
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Shankar, Rama Subramanian
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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