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Authors: Kale, Prashant Bhanuas
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: As the new computer architectures emerge using parallel processing methods for more processing power, the need to explore and exploit parallelism in Finite Element Analysis, a numerical method that uses large amount of calculations arises naturally. In this dissertation, a parallel processing of a generalized sequential software PSPSAS (plane stress, plain a rid axisymmetric) has been implemented. A parallelised program POWER PSPSAS is tried on a MIMD, tightly coupled parallel architecture machine TATA-ELXSI 3220. A parallel programming tool POWER FORTRAN Accelerator TM (PFA) is used in knowing data dependencies of sequential program. After structuring of a program , the PFA directives, assertions have been Inserted at proper locations, breaking data dependencies. The profile listing by pixie-sampling (Basic-block counting) are taken to know savings in CPU cycles & to judge the effectiveness of a program. Also, different scheduling options and chunk options tried in a program to achieve a better load balancing on to available number of processors present in a Silicon Graphics Workstation atNewComputationalFacilities (NCF).
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Nayak, G. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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