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Authors: Mishra, Dilip Kumar
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: .Retaining wall is a very important and widely used structure especially in construction and maintenance of highways. Hence the analysis of retaining wall should be done quickly and accurately with full details. Experience has shown many advantages of using computer programs. A •great deal of valuable time in analysing the retaining wall is saved. Hence to satisfy the need of the day and to get a correct analysis with full details in a small time, the requirement of analysis of retaining wall with the help of computer automatically comes into existence. The present dissertation work consists of development of a user-friendly interactive program ' Analysis and Design of Retaining Wall for Hilly Region'. The package is developed and implemented on micro-computers. With the steadily decreasing prices and easy accessibility of personal computers such packages developed on PC'S are highly desired. The program is interactive and is sophisticated and efficient enough to take into account different soil conditions and loading conditions that may exist in field. It makes pseudo dynamic analysis of retaining wall to take into account the seismic effect by making use of IS: 1893-1984 provisions. It calculates increase in earth pressure due to earthquake, and makes modification for water table. The detailed design of stem, toe, heel and shear key conforms to the IS: 456-1978 requirements. Using the above package, a parametric study has been carried out for the comparison of two types (Gravity type and T-shaped) of wall. Which indicates that after a certain height (app. 3m) which will depend upon the relative cost of construction of two types of walls, T-shaped retaining wall will be economical. The package fulfills the requirement of the day and satisfies the need of the user.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. C.
Bhandari, N. M.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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