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Authors: Kunwar, Poonam
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: Recent years have been a sharp rise in the nature and complexities in the basic fabric of the built environment, i.e., the buildings. The growing levels of urbanization and the fast pace of technological advancements coupled with the increased intricacies and complexities of the clients requirements has made designing much more than the mere whims of an artists fantasy.. It today, demands imagination in tandem with hardcore technical knowhow on a realistic and practical basis. The increase in the technicalities and disciplines in a building have further pushed up the cost of a building and hence the recent years have seen an increased attention being paid to the building cost and much emphasis being placed on the need for economy in design, accuracy in cost forecasting and effective control of cost while designing. 1.2 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM As mentioned the modern day pressures have engulfed the present day building practices. It has become absolutely essential now to maintain positive control over costs as design decision are made, such that the completed 1 schemes complies with the building owners cost requirements. The architects needs to exercise control of building costs. For mainly three reasons the cost control become crucial : (a) To give the client good value for his money. (b) To achieve the required balance of expenditure between the different building parts. (c) To keep expenditure within the amount allowed by the client.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Ahuja, Rita
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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