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Authors: Kulshrestha, Sanjeev
Issue Date: 1991
Abstract: With a variety of developments in the construction industry, there is greater demand for reinforced concrete structures. This requires faster modelling and analysis, rapid design, detailing and drafting. The increasing complexity of codes of practices, time bound completion of projects, economy and greater requirements of Engineering Productivity has created the need for Computer Aided Design and Drafting (GADD) to be applied in the field of Civil Engineering, especially for the design, detailing and drafting of R.C. structures. It has been experienced that about three-fourths of the time of project planning goes into the preparation and coordination of • working drawings, specifications and schedules. Therefore, --nnomy con be greatly affected by minimising this time through judicious use of computer. The prosent dissertation work consists of the development of a 'Graphics Package for Design of R.G. Footings' which includes analysis, design and drafting of Isolated, Combined and Strip footings designed according to provisions of 1S:456-1978. The software has been written in C language and complied with the help of TURBO C (2.0 Version) compiler using its graphics and display facilities. In addition to various standard functions of TURBO C, a library of functions has been prepared in order to perform the task of design and drafting. Most of the functions are very general in nature and can be readily used for design and :grafting of other types of R.C. structural elements. In this graphics package input data can be fed through input data file or, interactively. User's options are asked as and when required during the design process. Output of the design is sent to a user defined output file.. Graphical output can be seen by selecting "VIEW" option in the menu. It is shown in various plates one by one and depicts plan, longitudinal section and cross sections at user the defined scale. Each one carries complete detailing and annotations. Graphics of all the designs performed earlier are stored and can be viewed just by entering Structure number and Element number. This package can provide a basis for C programmers to develop softwares for design and graphics of R.C. structural elements by using already built functions and by guiding them the technique cf storing graphics. The application of this package will not only increase the productivity of the designer but also relieve him from monotonus repetitive and labourious work.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Khanduri, A. C.
Nayak, G. C.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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