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Authors: Rastogi, Sanjeev
Issue Date: 1991
Abstract: Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) has been recognised as the most vital element of research due to its share in the total cost involved in the programme of transportation system. This has also established its role and significance in the developed world and is assuming greater importance in the fast developing nations of the world, and India is no exception. In India, research work on Pavement Performance Studies have been taken up recently. According to the World Bank Report (1987) " the developing countries have lost precious infrastructure worth billions of dollars through deterioration of roads. The cost of restoring these roads is going to be 3 to 5 times greater than what would have been for timely and effective maintenance. Vehicles operation costs rapidly outpace the cost of road repairs as the condition of road passes from good to fair and then to poor." Pavement deteriorates with time as a function of a number of factors including traffic loading (magnitude of wheel load and its repetitions), soil subgrade, climate, drainage, environmental factors, pavement layer material and, thus the overall pavement performance. The task of the highway authorities is to maintain the highway system to those standards that will provide the lowest overall operating costs of transportation. A rehabili-tation design system should, therefore, indicate the structure (iv) needed in order to prevent an unacceptable degree of deterio-ration before a given time or number of load applications. It should also permit a prediction of both the 'Functional' and 'Structural' deterioration over time. Functional condition has to do with the riding quality and structural conditions are linked with structural adequacy. In the present study, an effort has been made to analyse the data of certain overlaid flexible pavements to assess the variation of various parameters with time. Nine sections in the states of U.P. and H.P. with varying conditions.of subgrade soil, terrain conditions, pavement materials and traffic intensity have been analysed for different seasons for the years between 1980 to 1990. Based on the analysis, it has been observed that there is an exponential variation of characteristic deflection, rut depth, crack length and maintenance cost with time. A general model is developed considering the data of all the test sections which predicts life of overlays of different materials and thickness. The various parameters considered in the model are characteristic deflection, rut depth, crack length, pavement thickness, overlay thickness and traffic volume. Models for the pavements in the states of U.P. and H.P. have also been developed separately. Since the properties of the subgrade soil affect the performance of pavements considerably, the models are also developed for each type of subgrade encountered in the pavements under study. (v) The models developed are capable of predicting life of an overlay with a fair degree of accuracy. The maintenance decisions can be taken, keeping in view the influence of any one or more of the parameters which reach their maximum acceptable limits first. The developed relationships between deflection, rut depth index and cracking index for each subgrade soil can be useful to assess the pavement performance and interrela-tionship between these critical parameters which influence the management of flexible pavements. The choice of materials for an overlay can be made on the basis of economic considerations without sacrificing the safety of road structure.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Gupta, A. K.
Jain, S. S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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