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Authors: Bansal, Kapil Dev
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: Harmonic distortion in electric power systems affects the whole environmeriL ,often at large distances from the original source . Like many other form of pollution , harmonics are a form of electric pollution in power systems . Harmonic distortion in power system is increasing with wide use of nonlinear loads in solid state devices . Thus , it is important to analyze the various harmonic problems, to evaluate the harmonic level and to eliminate harmonics prior to their becoming a serious problem . This work describes the method of harmonic evaluation Establishment of frequency models for various system components is briefly covered . The sources of harmonics and their effects are also discussed . The technique of analyzing the propagation of characteristic harmonic currents in an AC system utilizes steady state AC analysis by means of the direct solution of the system impedance matrix at each harmonic frequency . Harmonic problem in electric power system is real time proposition . This has created a serious concern of utilities to bill the demand of consumers and questionability of conventional energy meters to record the actual energy fed to the system . Literature reports the decreasing response of most of the meters under increasing harmonics . This has necessitated the use of iii computer technology using discrete currents and voltage samples to compute net power and associated quantities . The distortion power due to harmonic currents is a result of harmonic power injected into the system by nonlinear loads Power. source is generating fundamental powers The harmonic power produced due to load is not only detrimental to the system , but also to the loads producing it . This work discusses the method of computing the harmonic power supplied by / to the loads and penalty / reward for harmonic power injected into the system This work also discusses a method for reducing networks and develops a program for reducing distribution networks for different harmonics.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Gupta, I.
Gupta, H. O.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Electrical Engg)

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