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Authors: Tiwari, Devesh
Issue Date: 1991
Abstract: The are various methods developed in India and abroad for analysing various time-distance parameters of highway intersections whether signalized or non-signalized intersections. Looking into it, three possible and efficient methods which are viz Time-Lapse-Photography method, Video-Recording-Technique method and Manual method are more scientifically applicable for analysing various time-distance parameters of intersection with heterogeneous traffic-flow. It is seen that there is a conflicting requirement of accuracy vis-a-vis the time consumption and economy. It has been found but that from the accuracy point of view Time-Lapse-Photography is better than other methods but inferior in the field due to time-consumption and economy. In other way, Video-Recording-Technique method is lesser in accuracy but less time-consuming and economical than Manual method and Time-Lapse-Photography method. Hence it is worthy to choose best method which is reasonably accurate, easy and less time consuming for analysing parameters of an intersection with mixed traffic flow. Hence considering all the factors as discussed above, Video-Recording-Technique method is found to be suitable. In this thesis Time-distance analysis of mixed traffic flow data of four identified intersections analysed through Video-Recording-Technique and UOR method is presented. Here parameters of non-signalized uncontrolled intersections with mixed traffic flow is, taken for analysis, reason being, in India most of the intersections on highways are non-signalized uncontrolled with mixed traffic flow, situated in semi-urban, rural and even in urban areas.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Jain, S. S.
Gupta, A. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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