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Authors: Bhargava, Sanjay
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: Industrial Architecture the world over has come a long way since the advent of Industrial revolution. The modern industrial system which today permeates our whole life is almost 200 yearS old, although the "factory system" originated about 400 or 500 years ago in England. In recent years, industrial. building construction has undergone fundamental changes. Not only have the functional conditions and technical possibilities changed - smoking chimneys and old fashioned north-light sheds of bricks are also a thing of the past. In India, however till as recently as a decade and a half agolfactory design still fell into the realm of what could be best called functionalism. For a long time architects were seen as unnecessary, even unsuitable for factory design, especially in India where, for some reason factories, along with roads and bridges, had long been considered as being within the realm of "engineering design". Although the engineers had forced the architects to the path he must eventually follow, but it has been a difficult task. The architect felt that this art was being discreted by the engineers passion for structure and its relation to purpose and as a result he continually sought to abandon the field of industrial development. But, now there is a growing recognition of the fact that architecture and aesthetics need not be confined to the planning 1 and execution of buildings alone. They can play a useful role in the design and construction of bridges, fly over, industrial structures, marine and aviation structures, landscaping along highway etc.. Architects need to be trained in various aspects of engineering because advances in building construction technology have resulted in a vast array of new materials and increasing complex techniques of design and construction. Although there were engineers with as developed a sensibility of aesthetic as any one else, they were more often the exception than the rule. The result : faotorIes-and—industrial-structure that well but were generally dismal to look at. Good factory design involves the right balance between form and function. A factory has to meet the functional requirements of both the client commissioning the project, as well as the workers using the designed space for perhaps a good part of his life. Many architects are still imbued in notion that industrial plants are either "industrial buildings" pure and simple where the appearance is of little relevance, or are of "subordinate character and therefore hardly worthy of architectural effort. Such a notion, dating back to the 19th century, its not only nonsensical but even dangerous It is dangerous because even by their very size, modern industrial plants have a, considerable influence on their environment. This also represent a major task in the professional training of architects. 2
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Ahuja, Rita
Sahu, S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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