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Authors: Singh, Prabhat Kumar
Issue Date: 1988
Abstract: The BUD exertion phenomena in an aquatic ecosystem is a complex biochemical reaction. between heterogenous assemblage of biota and complex organic substrate. The effect of varying enviroi mental conditions such as temperature,AM, presence ortoxicants, et have been studied in great detail over the years. It is well estab-lished now that under differing sets of environmental conditionsi the shape of BUD exertion curves change.. Various mathematical models have been developed, to represent the. kinetics of BOO exertion under different:conditions, but, the researchers in the field still feel the lack of a general model eqution, which includes all the phases and stages of BOO exertion phenomena':, which is precise and faithful in different conditions and yet simple in use, vision and decision. One such model formulation has been presented herein. Effect of various environmental parameters on BOO exertion have been studied by many workers in the field, but most of them have confined themselves in finding the effect on so called rate constant of reaction and ultimate BOO. In multiphasic and two stage ROD exertion,tbere are several transitions in between, which cannot be properly taken into account only with one or two rate constant(s) determinations. Moreover, the concept of rate constant has lost the ground over the years dUe to the ambiguity involved in it..Thus, it was felt that the model expression should be such that the parameters involved in it should remain constant with time in a given set of condition and any change in these parameters should, by itself, reflect the change in environmental condition. Thus, the thange in environmental conditions will be directly reflected in the change of BOO para-meters and vice—verso.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Swamee, P. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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