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Authors: Chandra, Suresh
Issue Date: 1987
Abstract: Ferrocement is a twb phase composite material that differs from conventional reinforced concrete primarily by the manner in which the thin dieter wire mesh reinforcement is uniformly dispersed in the weaker matrix. It has been recognised as a suitable material for construction in developing countries due to its lighter weight compared to R.C.C., being labour intensive and econanical material, saving in form work and architectural flexibility. The main applications of the ferrocement have been for boats.; silos, tanks and roofs. These elements are, however, still very thin to provide effective heat and sound insulation. For this reason, precast cored slab elements of different spans are taken in the present study. .Cored slabs having advantages of reduced self weight with increased sound and heat insulation properties, may provide the necessary solution under these circumstances. This dissertation deals with the application of precast slab units with circular hollow cores. Two specimens of size 2200 x 500 x 75 mm with six holes of 38 mm, another two specimens of size 2700 x 500 x 90 mm with five holes of 48 mm were cast and. tested. One specimen of size 4400 x 500 x 75 mm was also tested by joining two precast lengths of 2.2 m with araldite epoxy resin at the interface and subsequent post-tensioning. All specimens were s imply supported., . It was found that the _ 2.2 m and 2.7 m specimens confirmed to the serviceability requirements for deflection and crack width. The prestressed ferrocement cored slab: was also found to perform satisfactorily for roofing purpose taking an external load of 4 KN/m2. It can be used for flooring by slightly increasing the section and prestressing force. The ferrocement cored slabs were cheaper by 20 to 28%. 0
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Gupta, V. K.
Kaushik, S. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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