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Authors: Tyagi, Anand Prakash
Issue Date: 1984
Abstract: Since independence India has made considerable economic progress and advancement in the Industrial,Agricul-ture and Scientific fields etc. It is the most advanced developing country. However, there are many problems like unemployment, poverty, economic backwardness etc, in some parts of the country. Himalayan Region of Uttar Pradesh has so many religious places where lakhs of pilgrims visit every year. But most of the area is undeveloped because industrial development could not be possible. People are migrating to the towns in plains in search of jobs, while this renion has the best scenic beauty in India. The only industry which can be developed in this region is TOURISM. Having explored the potential of tourism, the _Nolen can develop its own economy. First of all infrastructure for domestic tourism/pilgrimage should be provided, and then afterwards this will act as base for international tourism. For this purpose a study of tourism potentialities to serve as an economic base has been carried out so that the necessary infrastructure could be suggested.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Chaudhari, I. S.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES ( A&P)

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