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Authors: Angra, Vinod Kumar
Issue Date: 1985
Abstract: Roads in India are used by fast moving vehicles as well as slow moving vehicles alongwith pedestrians. The fast moving vehicle consists of cars, jeeps, vans, buses, trucks, agricultural tractors, truck-trailer combinations, 2-wheeler scooters/motorcycles and 3-wheeler autorickshaws etc. The slow moving vehicle consists of animal drawn vehicles including bullock carts, horse carts etc, and manually drawn cycles, cycle-rickshpws etc.- Apart from such heterogeneous traffic with different di-mensional characteristics, the available space on the road can not be used by the traffic fully due to large scale encroachment of the roads. A limited amount of work has been done to understand and analyse the mixed traffic flow conditions, Review of lltereture has shown that most of the theories developed in describing the traffic flow, have their origin in pre-dominantly fast moving automobiles i.e. for homogeneous traffic. So theories developed earlier for homogeneous traffic can not be applied PS per Indian conditions, because in homogeneous conditions, vehicles move in lanes one behind the others end lane width is also fixed depending upon the vehicle width, but in India apart from the different vehicular dimensional characteristics, the vehicles, iv especially cycles, cycle rickshews, scooters/motorcycles and autorickshaws move in groups and have .two directional movement end oftenly confront with opposite direction vehicles, which makes it difficult to apply the well esta-blished theories. It is therefore, decided to take up studies that will eneble to understand the basic behaviour of slow and fast moving traffic end their interactions in combined traffic situations. For this study, Roorkee town representing en average Indian city/town and Hyderabad city representing an average Indian metropolitian city have been choosen for the field data collection. Manual data collection have been found appropriate as per data requirements. A painted, grid was plotted on the road for the measurement of lateral clearences and space-headways. Based on the analysis of collected data, various linear relationships have been tried between besic traffic parameters end results were found encouraging. But in some cases the linear fit does not cover the entire range of data or the range of data is insufficient to explain the basic behaviour of basic traffic parameters fully, so further work is recommended to examine the applicability of this work by collecting more comprehensive data under different tref-fie conditions.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Gupta, A. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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