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Authors: Prakash, Om
Issue Date: 1978
Abstract: Studies on 'Continuous Hydraulic Classification' were carried out in a preopex column of 1. D.. 7.0 cm and 1.42 nit in length. Water was used as the classifying fluid. Ciassi- fication was based on the ' difference' in terminal settling of mixed size feed. To create velocity distribution of fluid in the column a ho' low conical baffle was inserted in the column reed was introduced in the hopper of the baffle. Water was fed in the centre of the column, just below the tip of baffle. Fine and coarse products were dram continuously from the top and bottom of the column respectively. Water flow rate was measured by stop watch and bucket arrangement. Data were taken for four different materials i.e. Bauxite Glass beads, Lime stone and Baryte varying in sizes from 273 to 928 microns. Water flow rate varies from 0 to 3.92x105 14 Kg.J+I'2. hr—~'. The column and baffle geometry was Effect of eater flow rate, particle size, density on the ratio of top to bottom product were studied# A final correlation relating the ratio of top to bottom product with the dimen~-sionless Reynolds number group¢ Proude group, apparent density of solid particlo, and the ratio of coarse to fine size particle was developed.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Rao, N. J.
Krishna, N. Gopal
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Chemical Engg)

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