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dc.contributor.authorMishra, Balkshwar-
dc.guideRastogi, Rajat-
dc.description.abstractWalking is not usually considered a transportation mode. Perhaps this is because it does not employ vehicles or because it is a fundamental means of movement. But walking is the most efficient and effective mode of transportation for the short trips. People walk for many purposes i.e. work, shopping and recreation etc. Moreover every journey necessarilystarts and ends as a walk trip. All trips in urban areas, be it by bus, car or train begin and ends as a pedestrian movement. In India, the proportion of pedestrian movement is very large. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable among road users and the most affected in urban traffic accident. Complete segregation from vehicle through space may solve the problem of pedestrian's causalities in road traffic accidents especially at cross walks. These can be achieved by using stairways or pedestrian bridges and subways which is defined as pedestrian movement in vertical direction or at gradients. Study location cities having varied characteristics, with respect to pedestrian flows and stair element were selected. The pedestrian flows on gradient at rail transit stations were observed using video recording techniques. Pedestrian flows on foot over bridge at railway stations in Old Delhi, Meerut and Haridwar were observed for duration of one hour during peak periods. Flow of pedestrian on stairs was studied for students in IIT Roorkee Flow relationships were formulated for pedestrian density, flow and speed characteristics. By the data analysis of pedestrian flow at above locations it is found that the stair characteristics which mostly affect the pedestrian speed and flow are riser length and width of stair and also in pedestrian characteristics age and gender are more dominant factors. As we increase the riser length not only pedestrian speed decreases but comfort also decreases. In addition, the lower riser height is seen to result in faster speed suggesting that this type of stair would be more efficient. Effect of increase in riser length is easily seen in higher age group and pedestrian with luggage. Their speed decreases in great amount. Due to this stopping condition frequently occurs which badly affects the flow on stairs. Pedestrian speed also decreases for females. The result would aid in formulating guidelines for capacity estimation and management of pedestrian flows on gradient. Keywords: Pedestrians, Gradient, Flow, Density, Speed, Indiaen_US
dc.subjectURBAN AREAen_US
dc.typeM.Tech Dessertationen_US
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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