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Authors: Ranjan, Amit
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Technological advance has made human life easier and comfortable in general; however, they have their disadvantages as well. One of the disadvantages of such development is the rise of environmental problems in cities. These problems consist of pollution caused by industrialization. In general, they are classified in five categories: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, and noise pollution. Noise pollution in urban areas and large cities has adverse effects on human health and wellbeing, from insignificant annoyance, such as disturbance to sleeping, reading, speech communication, concentration of mental work, etc., to severe physiological and psychological damages. Among all of the sources responsible for noise pollution, such as traffic noise, industrial noise, construction activities, and community noise, traffic related sources are of great environmental concern and increasing level , of discomfort in urban areas with high traffic concentration. The increase in number of vehicles and higher vehicle speeds on the roads and has caused greater highway noise problems to the surrounding areas. Traffic noise analysis, prediction models and noise map are important tools for planning environmental friendly roads and to assess the effect of noise mitigation measures. Present study deals with collection of primary data of traffic characteristics such as traffic volume, spot speed and noise level, predicting noise by a prediction model and integrating with Geographic Information System (GIS). For this A total number of 4760 discrete noise level data were collected during course of noise monitoring over a period of two months at identified locations and then modified Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) model has been validated through the comparative analysis of calculated and observed noise level. In this study noise map, contour map and land use cover map of Roorkee city was prepared using AreGIS. The study shows that for commercial areas of Roorkee the Leq level is quite high as compared to the ambient national standard of 65 dBA, requiring specific abatement measures. The study shows Sensible noise environment has been observed in areas around hospitals, exceeding the standard level for silence zone due to proximity to National Highway. Higher noise levels were observed near Alpahar, IIT Roorkee and Irrigation Research Institute. Keywords: GIS, Noise Map and Noise model.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Garg, R. D.
Parida, M.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Civil Engg)

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